"Through Medicinal Healing and the Power of Art, we continuously strive towards RejuveNating Mental Health."
EST. 2020

Hello all! My name is Ashley Searing. I am the Owner and Founder of RejuveNate - Plants & Wellness. Our mission is to spread awareness of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, through our therapeutically hand painted pottery and wellness pieces! After losing my brother Nate in February 2020, I lost a piece of my soul. Nate and I are 13 months apart. We grew up doing pretty much everything together, played sports, beat the crap out of one another, shared the same friends, made the same questionable decisions, you name it, we did it. Nate was your tough, athletic, kind, caring, big hearted man. He truly had a heart of gold and would do anything for anybody. I always felt as the big sister that I knew how to talk to Nate, I could rationalize with him and make him see the bigger picture. We had no idea that he was suffering. He was the last person I ever thought that would take his own life. To find out more about Nate's legacy and why we decided to RejuveNate our community and our own lives, click here.
I started writing everything down and basically drew up a “business plan” aka ideas on a piece of paper. The day Nate passed away I told him that I would do everything for him, in his name. This was that everything. I knew I wanted to spread awareness of mental health. I knew I was decent at painting and have a green thumb, so I decided I was going to combine all my loves; painting, gardening, educating and helping people. Therefore, RejuveNate - Plants & Wellness was born. We debuted in July 2020 and have been going strong ever since. My Mom and I therapeutically hand paint every planter that comes out of our shop. I officially made my business “legal” in November 2020 and adopted the LLC behind the company name. We started hosting Paint & Plant Wellness classes for kids, teens and adults. We then secured space in four locations for individuals to shop our plants. We began the process of implementing school wellness programs throughout our community, have created hundreds of designs and custom orders, ship nationwide and were secured as a wholesale supplier.
My next goal was to create a space where individuals could not only shop our space and see first-hand the products that we sell, but I wanted to create a space where people could come, take some deep breaths and remember they were put on this earth for a reason. On December 23, 2021 (my birthday), I put the deposit down on RejuveNates first storefront. We started operating out of a 12x14 spare bedroom in my house. We slowly took over multiple rooms in the house (and my dads garage) and eventually knew it was time that we needed our own space. Now, I can proudly say you can come shop RejuveNate five days a week, at our very own location. There was no better birthday gift I could’ve received. I believe that gift truly was from my brother from above.
I have never worked harder on anything in my life. I can honestly say that and I’m proud to say that. Our goal is to educate individuals on the importance of recognizing and taking care of your mental health. We want to instill positive outlets in people’s lives to combat mental health ailments. We want to inform individuals that they are not alone, even though sometimes it certainly feels that way. We want to connect people with our story and teach them that you can turn a tragedy into a positive. It’s hard, trust me it’s REAL hard, but it can be done. RejuveNate is my therapy.
Without it, I’m not sure I would be the same person sitting here, writing this article. I’ve changed tremendously in the last two years. Tragedy unfortunately does that to you. I’ve changed, yes because of what my family and I have endured, but also because of all the people I’ve met, the stories I’ve been told and the hearts that have opened up to me. So, I fight for them. Too many people suffer in silence, and I think it’s a damn shame that some people feel as if they are not enough in this world. Everyone is enough, and everyone is set on this earth with a story to tell. I believe Nate led me to that Aloe Vera plant on Valentine’s Day, gifted me those keys to my very own shop on my birthday and has been with me every step of the way helping RejuveNate soar. I know he is; I see his signs daily.